
Army Of India: Soldiers of the Empire

Approached by radical-political theatre company, Tribe Arts, Carbon was asked to consider how theatre could be made more cinematic through the use of emerging technologies.

We proposed to bring together virtual reality, 360º video, historical public data, motion capture and game engine technologies to explore and highlight the Indian Army’s role in WW1.

Using story concepts from Tribe’s creative directors, we conceived of four linked immersive narratives that respectively highlight different personal, emotional, political and cultural dimensions and the impact on soldiers from the subcontinent. These narratives were titled…

  • Brothers – Two estranged brothers find each other on the frontline in the trenches, depicting the emotional, fraternal and community connections between them and other soldiers, using prosopography research.
  • Gandhi – exploring Gandhi’s role in helping and empowering Indians during WW1 and the Viceroy of India’s War Conference.
  • Turban – dramatised letters and texts to illustrate the challenges made by Sikhs to British officers and the acceptance of a sacred symbol.
  • Sisters – the role of Indian women in World War I, both in family life at home and in the military and theatre of war.